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Paperbacks and Hardcovers and E-books, Oh My!


(Originally posted on December 11, 2021)

After months (or years, really!) of waiting, this was a big week on my road to publication. Sure, there are still about 7ish weeks left til Gemini Divided is officially out in the world, but this was by far the most exciting week, book-wise, so far!

Last Sunday in the dark and quiet hours of the morning, I clicked on the website for my publisher, Koehler Books. To my surprise, in the center of the screen under New Releases was my book!

When I clicked on the picture, it took me to my book’s page, which I hadn’t even known was up yet, where I found links to pre-order my book. It was available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook on Amazon and Barnes & Noble (and within a few days would also be on and Books-A-Million). It’s a good thing I was sitting down, because I’m not sure I wouldn’t have lost my balance, I was so excited. All of a sudden, I had so much to do and so many people to tell! That day was a whirlwind.

On Tuesday, an ordinary brown box arrived on my doorstep. My holiday shopping has been mostly online again this year, so boxes arriving is no surprise. However, the address label said ROBERTS BOOKS, a sure sign that this was no ordinary package.

It was almost too good to be true – the paperback copies of my ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) had been delivered. After almost six years of working to make this happen, seeing my first book as, well, a real book, was surreal. I posted pictures on social media and then proudly took a copy and showed the other parents at the bus stop that afternoon, where everyone oohed and ahhed. It was officially a Big Deal.

The next day, the hardcovers arrived, and the cycle of excitement repeated itself.

Needless to say, it’s been hard to focus on my day job this week. On Thursday I took the day off and visited bookstores in my local area to speak to Managers or Assistant Managers about the book and leave them with information. That was exciting and yet terrifying – I’m not a person who enjoys putting myself out there like that, but everyone was extremely kind and enthusiastic.

The countdown continues! I’m at 51 days to go, and there’s so much left to do! A lot of it has to do with marketing, which is not my specialty, but I’m doing my best and looking forward to the next milestone on this crazy journey.

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