I write because I love to write. It's not glamorous and I only wish it was my full-time job - right now it's the opposite - I put lots of money into it, mainly for marketing. It's not easy, and it's time consuming. Am I crazy to put so much time and money into it? Maybe I am, but it makes me happy.
As much as I write for me, it's a big added bonus when other people like my writing. Over the weekend, I got some exciting news about Gemini Divided - it won three BookFest Awards!
1st place for Mystery - Thriller
1st place for Romance - Suspense
2nd place for Thriller - Suspense
(Yes, those categories are really similar. Each award program has their own, and does them a little differently)
So, YAY for winning awards! It's a nice little pat on the back I wasn't expecting. And now back to the whole writing and editing thing. The next book isn't going to publish itself!