(Originally posted on November 25, 2021)
For about the past two weeks or so, my publisher, Koehler Books, has run a Cover Poll on their website – they do this for all of their books. After starting with five choices, which they asked me to rank, the two finalists were posted on their website so the public could vote. Hopefully you got a chance! This poll does not determine the cover, per se, but it does give them an idea how a small segment of the public feels about the two options. The top two contenders are below…

It was really interesting to watch the number of votes climb – every time anyone clicked on one, it would update, displaying both the total votes and the percentages for both. The ratio stayed consistent pretty much throughout: 2/3 of voters preferred the design on the left with the red carpet and the sharper colors.
And the winner?

The details of the picture don’t exactly match the plot of the story, but that’s okay. I love the colors on this one, and the mystery of it.
Yesterday I glanced at my email before walking into Target, and there were the full covers, front and back as well as the spine (they call it the cover wrap) in my inbox to approve. It’s getting real now! Due to some scheduling issues, my publication date was changed again, and is now January 31, 2022 – but even so, we’re getting there. I’m excited (and slightly terrified) for people to read it!